דילוג לתוכן

לוח טרמו אלקטרי

לוח טרמו אלקטרי צד אחד חם וצד שני קר ניתן לבחור סוג TEC1-12706 או TEC1-12703.


מעוניין במידע נוסף? מלא רק הפרטים ונחזור אליך בהקדם


The working state of the refrigeration sheet is that one side cools and the other side generates heat. When working, the heat dissipation of the heating surface must be good. It is strictly forbidden to power on for more than 2 seconds without heat dissipation.
The temperature difference between the hot and cold sides is 68 degrees (as long as the hot side temperature is kept below 68 degrees, the cold side temperature can be controlled between 0 and -68 degrees or lower)
TEC1-12706  The rated voltage is 12v, the rated current is 6A, the size is 4 X 4 X 0.4Cm, and the weight is about 25 grams.
TEC1-12703  The rated voltage is 12v, the rated current is 3A, the size is 4 X 4 X 0.4Cm, and the weight is about 25 grams.